Bibliography and comments
1 - Van der Horst, Frank C. P., John Bowlby – From Psychoanalysis to Ethology: Unraveling the Roots of Attachment Theory, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell (2011) ISBN 978-0-470-68364-4. N.B.: L'idée plus tardive selon laquelle l'origine de la capacité de communiquer socialement devrait être examinée à la lumière d'une "perspective relationnelle de l'émotion" (hypothèse dite du tempérament) témoigne avant tout de la réticence durable de ses initiateurs à reconnaître le rôle central des processus épigénétiques dans développement primal.
2 - van den Heuvel, M.I., et al., Maternal mindfulness and anxiety during pregnancy affect infants'neural responses to sounds, Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 10(3):453-460 (2014).
3 - Entringer, Sonia, et al., Maternal psychosocial stress during pregnancy is associated with newborn leukocyte telomere length, Am J Obstet Gynecol 208:134.e1-7 (2013).
4 - Mulligan, Connie, et al., Methylation changes at NR3C1 in newborns associate with maternal prenatal stress exposure and newborn birth weight. Epigenetics, 7:8 pp. 853-857 (2012).
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6 - Yamada, L., Chong, S., Epigenetic studies in developmental origins of health and disease: pitfalls and key considerations for study design and interpretations, J Dev Orig Health Dis. 8(1):30-43 (2017).
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12 - Meloni, Maurizio, The social brain meets the reactive genome: neuroscience, epigenetics and the new social biology, Front. Hum. Neurosci., 21 May (2014).
Our main problem is that politicians mistrust what they do not understand. Now if lobbyists from the pharma do not want to help them understand, then there is little hope for primal prevention to be promoted by state authorities.
Our main problem is that politicians mistrust what they do not understand. Now if lobbyists from the pharma do not want to help them understand, then there is little hope for primal prevention to be promoted by state authorities.
13 - Darnell, James, RNA, Life’s Indispensable Molecule, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (2011).
14 - Martins, Andrew. J. et al., Environment Tunes Propagation of Cell-to-Cell Variation in the Human Macrophage Gene Network, Cell Systems Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 379-392 (2017).
15 - Parrington, John, The Deeper Genome: Why there is more to the human genome than meets the eye, Oxford Univesity Press (2015).
16 - Wilkinson, Richard & Pickett, Kate, The Spirit Level, Allen Lane (2009) and also, with important new additions, The Inner Level, Allen Lane (2018)
17 - Pickett, Kate E. & Wilkinson, Richard G., Income Inequality and Health: A Causal Review, Social Science & Medicine 128, 316-326 (2015).
18 - Lanchester, John, How to speak money, Faber & Faber, (2014), p. 55: As Mrs. Thatcher once spelt it out, «economies need winners, but this kind of economy [i.e., the neo-liberal economy] needs losers too: they are what give the winners their fire and fuel and fear» (my italics).
19 - Savidan, Patrick, Voulons-nous vraiment l’égalité?, Albin Michel (2008).
20 - Slaughter, Anne-Marie, Why Women Still Can’t Have It All, The Atlantic, July/August issue (2012).
21- Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, Child Neglect in Rich Nations, United Nations Children's Fund, 3 UN Plaza, DH-49B, New York, N.Y. 10017 (1993). This report describes «how and why some of the wealthiest nations on earth have short-changed children» (i.e., these have been treated unfairly by withholding what is most valuable for their future, that is, among other things, sustained attention and a secure, affective presence over their primal period of life).
22 - Such is the hypothesis presented here to explain the stunning correlation revealed by Wilkinson & Pickett's social-epidemiology studies [02]. Also, see the official trailer of the film IN UTERO (
23 - Chomsky, Noam, On Anarchism, Penguin Special, p. 108 (2013).
24 - Pizzigati, Sam, The Rich Don’t Always Win: The Forgotten Triumph Over Plutocracy that Created the American Middle Class, 1900-1970, Seven Stories Press, New York (2012).
25 - Quinn, Daniel, My Ishmael: a Sequel, Hodder & Stoughton (1997).
26 - Rapoport, Miles & Wheary, Jennifer, Running in Place: Where the Middle Class and The Poor Meet, Dēmos, an Equal Say and an Equal Chance for All, Northwest Area Foundation (2013).
27 - Gluckman, D. et al, Effect of In Utero and Early-Life Conditions on Adult Health and Disease, N Engl J Med 359: 1 (2008).
28 - Pearson, Helen, Study of a Lifetime, Nature, vol. 471/3 (2011).
29 - Scherrer et al., Systemic and Pulmonary Vascular Dysfunction in Children Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Swiss Cardiovascular Center Bern, CH; Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biologia, Tarapaca, Arica, Chile; Hirslanden Group, Lausanne, CH; Botnar Center for Extreme Medicine and Department of Internal Medicine, CHUV, Lausanne, CH; and Centre de Procréation Médicalement Assistée, Lausanne, CH (2012).
30- Chinet, Auguste E., author of this essay, is an MD who devoted most of his professional life to research and teaching in physiology (universities of Fribourg, CH, SUNY at Buffalo, USA, and Geneva, CH). Over the last twenty years, in parallel to his clinical activity in the domain of primal therapy (, he’s followed the developments of various branches of physiology including molecular biology (more particularly epigenetics). He's still astonished of how medical and political authorities, as the public in general, have remained ignorant of the lessons not-so-new fundamental biology teaches us.
31- Murphy Paul, Annie, Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of our Lives, Hay House (2010).
32 - Csoka, Antonei B. and Szyf, Moshe, Epigenetic Side-Effects of Common Pharmaceuticals: a Potential New Field in Medicine and Pharmacology, Med Hypotheses, 73/5 (2009).
33 - Hu, Y.-F., et al., Biological Pacemaker Created by Minimally Invasive Somatic Reprogramming in Pigs with Complete Heart Block. Sci Transl Med 6/245: 245ra94 (2014).
34 - Fleury, Cynthia, Les irremplaçables, nrf Gallimard, (2015).
35 - Jaccottet, Philippe, in Rouge-gorge, Pléiade, p. 1112, l. 1-2 (2014).
36 - Herman, Edward Said, and Chomsky, Noam, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, Ed. Chomsky (1988).
37 - Janka, Vanda, Bonheur au travail: la fin d’un mythe?, PME Magazine, 11, 92-95 (2015).
38 - Anders van et al., Effects of Gendered Behavior on Testosterone in Women and Men, PNAS, vol. 112 no. 45 (2015).
Liedloff, Jean, The Continuum Concept: In search of Lost Happiness, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1985).
Liedloff, Jean, The Continuum Concept: In search of Lost Happiness, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1985).
39 - McGinn, Kathleen, Ruiz Castro, Mayra, Long Lingo, Elizabeth, Mums the Word! Cross-national Relationship between Maternal Employment and Gender Inequalities at Work and at Home, Harvard Business School Working Paper Series (2016).
40 - Odent, Michel, Primal Health: Understanding the Critical Period Between Conception and the First Birthday, Clairview (2002). See also: Primal Health Research Databank, an ongoing compilation of epidemiological studies exploring correlations between the Primal Period and lifetime health (by keywords at:
41- Quinn, Daniel, Ishmael, Bantam Books (1992). N.B.: About the biblical story of the sacrifice of fruits and vegetables by Cain – which was not well received by the divinity – as opposed to that of lambs and their fat by Abel – which was well received by the divinity, the author suggests it may’ve had its origin long before the writing of the biblical version. That might explain why exegetes, for want of the modern writer’s intuition, failed to fully comprehend God’s preferen
42 - Chomsky, Noam, Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs, Pluto Press, London (2000). N.B.: Just like states are meant by transcontinental corporations to be subordinated to them, «persons of flesh and blood» are also meant to be subordinated to these private tyrannies Chomsky named «huge immortal persons».
43 - Dunbar, Robin, Human Evolution, Penguin Books (2014).
44 - Gibbons, Ann, Why humans are the high-energy apes, Science, vol 352, issue 6286, p. 639 (2016).
45 - Hunyadi, Mark, La tyrannie des modes de vie: Sur le paradoxe moral de notre temps, Le Bord De L’eau (2015).
46 - Ogien, Albert et Laugier, Sandra, Le principe démocratie, enquête sur les nouvelles formes du politique, La Découverte (2014).
47 - Deneault, Alain, La médiocratie, Lux, Montréal (2015).
48 - Durand, Cédric, Le capital fictif : comment la finance s’approprie notre avenir, Ed. Les prairies ordinaires (2014).
49 - Wolf, Christa, Ici même, autre part : Récits et autres textes, 1994-1998, traduits de l’allemand, Fayard (2000). N.B.: In this final paragraph, the author also wonders whether these unlimited desires aren’t at the origin of the cleavage that forces us to educate our children …«half like big game, half in an ethical perspective» as Ingeborg Bachmann once said.
50 - Rahnema, Majid & Robert, Jean, La Puissance des pauvres, Actes Sud Littérature (2008).
51- Herzlinger, Regina, keynote at the 8th Annual Health Care Conference, Washington Policy Center (2010). N.B.: ‘Regi’, one of the “100 most powerful people in healthcare” said that, contrary to physics, «medicine has almost no [preoccupation to establish a] relation between cause and effect»; therefore «Health care is a profoundly bad value for money».
52 - Gollwitzer, Eva & Marsland, Benjamin, Impact of Early-Life Exposures on Immune Maturation and Susceptibility to Disease, Elsevier Ltd. Published by Elsevier Inc. (2015).
53 - Odent, Michel, The Caesarean, Free Association Books, chaps. 8-12 (2004).
54 - This site aims at helping women trust their own organism’s physiological processes governing child birth from time immemorial.
55 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10 (1948). N.B.: Article 29 (1), in particular, subtly states that “Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible”. Doesn’t this imply that everyone must make sure any new knowledge be accessible to all?
56 - Humboldt von, Wilhelm, cited by Noam Chomsky, in On Anarchism, Ed. Penguin special, p. 132 (2013).
57 - Syme, Leonard, 14th European Conference on Public Health, Montreux, Switzerland, key lecture of plenary session 5, Nov. 18, 2006; in: European Journal of Public Health, vol. 15, Supplement 1 (2005).
58 - Törngren, Pat,, the primal psychotherapy page of the International Primal Association (IPA) (2005).
59 - Stavroula, Leka & Cox, Tom Eds. PRIMA-EF: Guidance on the European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management, a publication of WHO: Protecting Worker’s Health Series, 9 (2008).
60 - Cyrulnik, Boris, Je me souviens..., Ed. Odile Jacob (2010).
61 - Rose, George, Deep Sea and Foreign Going: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Brings You 90% of Everything, Portobello Books (2013).
62 - Miller, Alice, Am Anfang war Erziehung, Suhrkamp Veralg, Frankfurt am Main (1980).
63 - Kasparov, Garry (with Greengard, Mig), Winter is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and The Enemies of the Free World Must Be Stopped, Atlantic Books, London (2015).
64 - Editorial, Mental health and the mother, The Lancet, May 26, 1165-1166 (1951). Commenting on John Bowlby's early reports from extensive observations of the child's primary tie to mother, at a time when Bowlby himself said that "knowledge of truth is always partial, and to await certainty is to await eternity", the editor of The Lancet added that "in this case, to await certainty may well be to await a spreading of our present social sickness until it is beyond all cure"! Even thirty-one years later, in 1982, Bowlby admitted that "a comprehensive theoretical apparatus" was still missing to explain long-term consequences of a child's lack of primal care. But today's epigenetic knowledge undoubtedly provides us with this very comprehensive theoretical apparatus.
65 - Logean, Sylvie, Le stress au travail, ce poison lent, in Le Temps, rubrique Sciences, 25.11 (2017).
66 - Bochud Murielle, directrice de l'IUMSP Lausanne, Les promesses de la santé, un témoignage, in: Dispute: Réinventer le système de santé, Genève, 5 octobre (2018).
67 - Feldman, Ruth, The adaptive human parental brain: implications for children's societal development, a review, Trends in Neurosciences, vol. 38, Issue 6, 387-399 (2015).
68 - Daub, Cathy & Sutton, Jean, The Rhombus of Michaelis, Wirthworks International, Vol. 14, January (2019).
69 - Sowell, Thomas, Discrimination and Disparities, Basic Books (2019).
70 - Angel, Marcia, The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?, The New York Review of Books, June 23 (2011).
71 - Arms, Suzanne, Immaculate Deception II, Houghton Mifflin (1975).
72 - Swiss Academies Communications, Vol. 14, No 6 (2019) 3. Préface. 7. I Introduction à la médecine personnalisée. Chapitre 1. Définitions et concepts; Nicolet, Laurent, "La bioinformatique concernera bientôt chaque citoyen", Migros Magazine, janvier (2019).
Acknowledgements: I like to thank David, Leslie & Beatrice, Odile and Matthew, who generously helped me establish the first English version (2016) of (2014).
Acknowledgements: I like to thank David, Leslie & Beatrice, Odile and Matthew, who generously helped me establish the first English version (2016) of (2014).